Extreme Young I'm I To Young To Enter My Family In Extreme Makeover Home Edition?

I'm I to young to enter my family in extreme makeover home edition? - extreme young

I have over 17 years and I feel my family deserves a chance on it. There is nothing wrong with the experiment. I do not know if I'm young to do so. For my grandparents, who have always given everything, even if they have nothing. I think they deserve a chance, but I'm not sure if I'm old enough to do so.


lovely said...

I do not know the age limit for entry into the program, but I know I do not see the religious program is very ill, disabled or very active in his community to be harvested. For I will come and they all kind of people I saw was not in picked.I help "Unfortunately, a lot. Good luck and i hop you made with him.

lovely said...

I do not know the age limit for entry into the program, but I know I do not see the religious program is very ill, disabled or very active in his community to be harvested. For I will come and they all kind of people I saw was not in picked.I help "Unfortunately, a lot. Good luck and i hop you made with him.

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