Testi Swollen Need HELP!?

Need HELP!? - testi swollen

Ok, so I think that


My right testi swollen scrotum red, and my pelvis hurts.
In the morning, going into docrtors Morining. T2 in the ethical and cultural values by a bag of ice. I also need help with swelling and pain.
Any tips?


Anonymous said...

inlfamation that is possible. or congestion vesscle
Take no aspirin at low doses, but tylanole
and has BAANNAANNOS eat!
They also drink soy millk
dull pain they must by30 -40 percent when they enter the bloodstream.
and see if you can a muscle relaxant
because everything is in difficulty, there
Drink plenty of extra Wate oxiging called O2 in water

Anonymous said...

If you are not a doctor ... How do you know the problem is detected?

Take ibuprofen or drink a little water and consult your doctor.

Anonymous said...

Ibuprofen, they should intervene and help. Otherwise, get a banana.

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