State Farm Accident Forgiveness How Much Will My Car Insurance Go Up?

How much will my Car insurance go up? - state farm accident forgiveness

I met a car in Los Angeles, and I have State Farm. The man suggested that I drive a Range Rover and I have only scratched the driver's side door. The Body Shop wants $ 1200 to the door, I was crazy to have to cancel. I pay money, but $ 1200 is a lot of money. State Farm not forgive accident, or my premium go, if I say in my insurance?


mdcbert said...

Your insurance will increase only marginally. If you are normal, have less than 40% (maximum reduction), then you've probably met 30% discount. No big deal.

I have $ 1200 damage to a car after he outbid by another car, so I lost my 10% discount for any accident in 10 years), then pays $ 10 per month more for my car, my wife car.

Only the "peasants" have something to "accident forgiveness", but it's a marketing ploy, which are elsewhere.

Harleigh said...

Accident forgiveness?

(laughs) How did you get that idea?

toby said...

I agree, accident forgiveness is a marketing ploy. But in Texas, that Allstate just announced. As an insurance salesman when my customers ask me this question, the answer is yes. If you have a fault accident, may increase your premium. No matter who you are.

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