Car Sales Cover Letter Examples Progressive Insurance Sales Tax Lie?
Progressive insurance sales tax lie? - car sales cover letter examples
I reached my car. I worked with the claims representative for 17,000 and change for the car (which and vote). The officer returned and told me to give me my money is, but the sales tax for new car to buy, including me. (For those unfamiliar, progressive, that if the amount of your car. We will charge on the sale of new cars refund if you buy it in 30 days) I refused because it would mean they give me a price for 1000 less than what you should. So finally agreed on the price of the car. I met the representative of another office and gave me a letter saying that my sales tax to cover my hotel and a total loss. In exchange for my title for the car. I bought a new car and has available a week and representatives (3 of them to grant) to pay for the refund. What should I do? I'm at the point where I am Justice. Does anyone else have some suggestions.
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